To make the world more sustainable, beautiful, and happy through empathy and innovation.

Hey, I’m Anand.

This website began as a portfolio for IB Design & Technology in high school, and the goal was to expand it into three sections:

1. Mind: a portfolio of academic and professional projects

2. Body: a page documenting my atheletic and health endeavors

3. Soul: a blog containing media (book, movie, video game) reviews and philosophical ramblings

The first section got updated frequently throughout my five years in college, but the latter two stayed completely empty and were deleted in the last year. It saddens me to admit this accurately reflected my life - I had little personal agency to grow physically and spiritually in the face of extremely competitive academia, among other obligations and restrictions.

Graduating in 2021 with my master’s degree coincided with a drastic identity shift. My purpose used to be “make the world more happy, beautiful, and sustainable through empathy and innovation,” and in some ways, it still is; but I focus on myself now, and if Other can’t be defined without Self, in some ways, I still hold true to this. I hope to bring back the Body and Soul sections, and publish information which may be of some use to others.

